Homeopathic Management of Dyspnoea (Shortness of Breath)

Dyspnoea, or shortness of breath, is a common symptom associated with various respiratory and cardiac conditions, including asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pneumonia, heart failure, and anxiety. Homeopathic remedies can provide relief by addressing both the physical and emotional causes of dyspnoea. The choice of remedy is based on the specific characteristics of the breathlessness and the underlying condition.

Common Homeopathic Remedies for Dyspnoea

  1. Arsenicum Album
    • Indications: Arsenicum Album is often indicated for dyspnoea that worsens at night or with anxiety. The person may feel restless and have difficulty breathing when lying down, often feeling as if they are suffocating or that their chest is tight.
    • Symptoms:
      • Shortness of breath, especially at night or with any movement.
      • Restlessness and anxiety, often with a feeling of fear of suffocation.
      • Worse when lying down, with a need to sit up to breathe easier.
      • May be associated with conditions such as asthma or heart failure.
    • Action: Arsenicum helps relieve suffocating sensations and anxiety, promoting easier breathing.

  1. Aconitum Napellus
    • Indications: Aconitum is useful in cases of acute dyspnoea that comes on suddenly after exposure to cold weather or emotional trauma. It is also effective when there is a fear of death or impending suffocation.
    • Symptoms:
      • Sudden onset of breathlessness, often after cold exposure or a frightful experience.
      • Intense anxiety, restlessness, and a fear of suffocation.
      • Difficulty breathing, with a sensation of tightness in the chest.
    • Action: Aconitum can help alleviate acute episodes of breathlessness by calming anxiety and improving respiratory function.

  1. Natrum Sulphuricum
    • Indications: Natrum Sulphuricum is often indicated in cases of dyspnoea due to fluid accumulation in the lungs or chest, such as in conditions like pneumonia or heart failure. It is particularly useful when the person has difficulty breathing, worsened by lying down, or after exertion.
    • Symptoms:
      • Shortness of breath with a sensation of heaviness in the chest.
      • Difficulty breathing while lying down or after physical exertion.
      • May be associated with conditions such as pneumonia, pleurisy, or heart disease.
    • Action: Natrum Sulphuricum helps relieve the feeling of heaviness in the chest and improves breathing, especially when fluid is present in the lungs.

  1. Lycopodium Clavatum
    • Indications: Lycopodium is indicated for dyspnoea that occurs with a sensation of fullness or tightness in the chest. It is particularly helpful in conditions like asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) when the person feels as though they cannot get enough air.
    • Symptoms:
      • Shortness of breath, especially with a sensation of tightness in the chest.
      • Difficulty taking a deep breath, feeling as though the lungs are not getting enough air.
      • May be accompanied by digestive issues, such as bloating or gas.
    • Action: Lycopodium helps relieve the sensation of tightness in the chest and improves lung capacity.

  1. Carbo Vegetabilis
    • Indications: Carbo Vegetabilis is useful for dyspnoea associated with weakness or exhaustion, where the person feels like they are unable to breathe deeply enough. It is especially helpful in conditions of chronic lung disease or heart failure when there is a feeling of being starved for air.
    • Symptoms:
      • Difficulty breathing deeply, with a sensation of weakness and inability to get enough air.
      • Shortness of breath after physical exertion or during periods of exhaustion.
      • May be associated with a feeling of coldness and clamminess.
    • Action: Carbo Vegetabilis helps stimulate deeper breathing and relieves the sensation of weakness in the respiratory system.

  1. Bryonia Alba
    • Indications: Bryonia is indicated when dyspnoea is worsened by movement, and the person feels the need to remain perfectly still to prevent aggravation. It is useful in conditions such as pleuritis or pneumonia when breathing is painful and shallow.
    • Symptoms:
      • Shortness of breath worsened by movement or exertion.
      • Pain with deep breathing, requiring the person to remain still.
      • Dry mouth, thirst, and irritability.
    • Action: Bryonia helps reduce the pain associated with breathing and improves breathing efficiency, particularly in conditions with pleuritic pain.

  1. Phosphorus
    • Indications: Phosphorus is useful for dyspnoea that occurs with a feeling of constriction in the chest or a burning sensation. It is often indicated when the person has a strong desire for fresh air and feels suffocated in close or warm rooms.
    • Symptoms:
      • Difficulty breathing with a sensation of constriction or burning in the chest.
      • Shortness of breath worsened in closed rooms or with heat.
      • May be associated with asthma or bronchitis.
    • Action: Phosphorus helps relieve constriction and burning sensations in the chest, promoting freer breathing.

  1. Sulphur
    • Indications: Sulphur is helpful in cases of dyspnoea associated with chronic respiratory conditions, such as asthma or bronchitis, where the person experiences shortness of breath along with other symptoms like coughing and wheezing.
    • Symptoms:
      • Difficulty breathing with wheezing or a dry, tickling cough.
      • Shortness of breath in the morning or when lying down.
      • Chronic conditions like asthma or bronchitis may be aggravated by heat or exertion.
    • Action: Sulphur helps reduce chronic respiratory symptoms and supports easier breathing.

  1. Spongia Tosta
    • Indications: Spongia is indicated for dyspnoea with a dry, barking cough, and a sensation of suffocation. It is particularly helpful in conditions like croup or asthma, where the breathing is labored and wheezing.
    • Symptoms:
      • Shortness of breath with a dry, barking cough.
      • Sensation of suffocation, especially when lying down or in a warm room.
      • Wheezing and noisy breathing.
    • Action: Spongia Tosta helps relieve the suffocating sensation and promotes smoother breathing in conditions like asthma and croup.

  1. Kali Carbonicum
  • Indications: Kali Carbonicum is useful for dyspnoea that is accompanied by weakness, particularly when the person feels that their lungs cannot expand fully. It is often used in cases of emphysema or bronchitis with difficulty in getting a deep breath.
  • Symptoms:
    • Difficulty taking a deep breath, with a sensation of constriction or weakness in the chest.
    • Shortness of breath worsened by physical exertion or in the evening.
    • Can be associated with chronic respiratory issues like emphysema.
  • Action: Kali Carbonicum helps strengthen the respiratory muscles and improves lung expansion.

General Considerations for Dyspnoea in Homeopathy

  • Personalized Treatment: A homeopathic remedy should be selected based on the specific symptoms, their onset, triggers, and accompanying emotional states. The treatment should be tailored to the individual's condition.
  • Underlying Conditions: If the dyspnoea is related to an underlying condition such as heart disease, asthma, or pneumonia, the remedy should be chosen with respect to the nature of that disease.
  • Lifestyle Considerations:
    • Breathing Exercises: Practice deep breathing exercises to improve lung capacity and reduce anxiety related to breathing difficulties.
    • Fresh Air: Ensure good ventilation and avoid exposure to allergens, smoke, or other irritants that can worsen breathing difficulties.
    • Dietary Adjustments: Avoid foods that may exacerbate respiratory symptoms, such as dairy or heavy meals that increase mucus production.


Homeopathy provides effective remedies for managing dyspnoea by addressing the specific symptoms and underlying causes. Remedies such as Arsenicum Album, Aconitum Napellus, Bryonia, and Lycopodium Clavatum can help relieve breathlessness caused by various conditions, including asthma, pneumonia, heart disease, and anxiety. Working with a skilled homeopath ensures that the most appropriate remedy is chosen to provide relief from shortness of breath.