Homeopathic Management of Dengue Fever

Dengue fever is a viral infection transmitted by mosquitoes, characterized by high fever, rash, joint pain, and sometimes bleeding. The management of dengue in homeopathy focuses on alleviating symptoms and supporting the body’s natural healing process. It is important to remember that homeopathy can help in symptom management, but medical supervision is required for severe cases of dengue.

Common Homeopathic Remedies for Dengue Fever

1. Eupatorium Perfoliatum

  • Indications: This is one of the primary remedies for dengue fever, particularly when the fever is intense, with severe muscle and bone pain, which is often referred to as "breakbone fever."
  • Symptoms:
    • Intense pain in the bones and muscles, especially with movement.
    • High fever with chills.
    • Severe headache, often located in the forehead or eyes.
    • Restlessness and thirst for cold water.
  • Action: Eupatorium Perfoliatum helps to reduce bone and muscle pain and alleviate the severity of the fever.

2. Rhus Toxicodendron

  • Indications: Rhus Toxicodendron is indicated when the fever is accompanied by joint pain, restlessness, and a general feeling of stiffness.
  • Symptoms:
    • Joint pain and stiffness, especially in the wrists, knees, and ankles.
    • Restlessness, especially at night.
    • The person may feel better with constant movement or stretching, but worsens when still.
    • High fever with sweating, particularly at night.
  • Action: This remedy helps relieve joint and muscle pain associated with dengue and can help reduce the overall discomfort caused by the fever.

3. Arnica Montana

  • Indications: Arnica is used for bruising and muscle soreness, making it particularly useful when the dengue fever is associated with a feeling of being bruised, as well as generalized aches and pains.
  • Symptoms:
    • Generalized soreness and bruised feeling, particularly in the muscles.
    • Fatigue and weakness after minimal exertion.
    • Restlessness and a tendency to feel worse when touched or moved.
  • Action: Arnica helps to reduce muscle soreness and bruising, supporting recovery from the physical symptoms of dengue fever.

4. China Officinalis (Cinchona)

  • Indications: China is often recommended when the dengue fever has led to severe exhaustion, weakness, and loss of fluids. It is especially useful in cases where there is marked debility and thirst.
  • Symptoms:
    • Profound weakness and debility after fever.
    • Loss of appetite and excessive thirst.
    • Weakness from fluid loss (due to diarrhea, sweating, or vomiting).
    • Sensitive to touch and noise.
  • Action: China Officinalis helps to restore energy and fluid balance in the body after the acute phase of fever.

5. Belladonna

  • Indications: Belladonna is often indicated for the early stages of dengue fever, especially when the fever comes on suddenly and is very high, with a flushed face and throbbing headache.
  • Symptoms:
    • Sudden onset of high fever with a flushed face.
    • Throbbing headache, especially in the temples or forehead.
    • Red, hot, dry skin with excessive thirst.
    • Agitation and restlessness, the person may feel worse in a warm room.
  • Action: Belladonna helps reduce the high fever and alleviate the associated symptoms such as headache and flushed skin.

6. Gelsemium

  • Indications: Gelsemium is useful when the fever is accompanied by a general feeling of weakness, heaviness, and a tendency to feel mentally dull or sluggish.
  • Symptoms:
    • Profound weakness, especially in the legs and head.
    • Dull, heavy headache with a sensation of fullness in the head.
    • Chills or fever with cold, clammy skin.
    • Sensitivity to light and a sense of dullness.
  • Action: Gelsemium is particularly helpful for managing the feeling of weakness and exhaustion that often accompanies dengue fever.

7. Arsenicum Album

  • Indications: Arsenicum is indicated when there is intense anxiety along with weakness, restlessness, and exhaustion due to the fever. It is helpful when there is a burning sensation in the body.
  • Symptoms:
    • Burning sensations in the body, particularly in the stomach or limbs.
    • Anxiety, restlessness, and fear of death.
    • Extreme weakness, especially after feverish episodes.
    • Vomiting and diarrhea with exhaustion and thirst for small sips of water.
  • Action: Arsenicum helps alleviate burning sensations and provides support during the recovery phase, especially when there is marked weakness and anxiety.

8. Phosphorus

  • Indications: Phosphorus is useful for dengue when there is bleeding (such as nosebleeds, or gum bleeding) associated with fever, and when the person feels weak, thirsty, and prone to fainting.
  • Symptoms:
    • Bleeding from the nose or gums.
    • Thirst for cold drinks, especially in large quantities.
    • Weakness and dizziness, especially upon standing.
    • Sensitivity to light, sound, and odors.
  • Action: Phosphorus can help with bleeding tendencies and support the person when they feel weak and lightheaded during the fever.

Important Considerations

  • Seek Medical Attention: Dengue fever can be life-threatening, especially if it progresses to severe forms like dengue hemorrhagic fever or dengue shock syndrome. Always consult a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment.
  • Hydration: Ensuring adequate fluid intake is essential for preventing dehydration due to fever, sweating, vomiting, or diarrhea.
  • Rest and Monitoring: Adequate rest and monitoring of symptoms are important. In severe cases, hospitalization may be necessary to manage complications.
  • Symptom Management: Homeopathic remedies should be used as complementary to standard medical care and under the supervision of a professional homeopath or doctor.


Homeopathy offers remedies like Eupatorium Perfoliatum, Rhus Toxicodendron, Arnica Montana, and others to support the management of dengue fever by alleviating pain, reducing fever, and restoring vitality. However, it is crucial to combine homeopathic treatment with conventional care, especially for more severe or complicated cases of dengue. Always consult with a healthcare provider for proper evaluation and treatment.