Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder that affects social interaction, communication, and behavior. The symptoms and severity of ASD vary greatly among individuals, but common features include difficulty with social interactions, restricted interests, repetitive behaviors, and sensory sensitivities.

Homeopathy approaches autism in a holistic manner, focusing on the individual as a whole, rather than just treating the symptoms. Homeopathic treatment aims to support emotional, mental, and physical well-being, helping to improve socialization, communication, and behavior.

Key Principles in Homeopathic Treatment of Autism:

  1. Individualized Approach: Homeopathic remedies are chosen based on the individual’s unique symptoms, constitution, temperament, and emotional state.
  2. Underlying Causes: The treatment works to address genetic factors, immune imbalances, emotional trauma, or environmental factors that may contribute to the condition.
  3. Symptom Management: Remedies aim to alleviate specific symptoms like hyperactivity, lack of communication, sensory sensitivities, or social withdrawal.
  4. Focus on the Whole Person: Homeopathy looks at the whole person—body, mind, and spirit—to provide comprehensive care.

Common Homeopathic Remedies for Autism

  1. Calcarea Carbonica

    • Indications: For children who are slow to develop, both mentally and physically, and are overweight or have slow motor skills.
    • Symptoms: The child may have a tendency to be anxious, timid, and shy. They may be sensitive to cold and have difficulty with social interaction. These children are often introverted, may exhibit repetitive behaviors, and have a poor appetite or digestive disturbances.
    • Other characteristics: Calcarea Carbonica is helpful for children with a tendency to be dull, uncoordinated, or overdependent on caregivers.
  2. Arsenicum Album

    • Indications: For children who are anxious, restless, and prone to compulsive behaviors.
    • Symptoms: Children may have extreme restlessness, obsessive behaviors, or fears that cause them to become irritable and hyperactive. They might also exhibit self-harming behaviors and be overly sensitive to changes in routine.
    • Other characteristics: Arsenicum Album is particularly useful when there are gastrointestinal issues, sleep disturbances, or immune system imbalances.
  3. Medorrhinum

    • Indications: For children with a history of chronic illnesses, including those with a family history of asthma or allergic tendencies. This remedy is often indicated in children who display repetitive behaviors or extreme hyperactivity.
    • Symptoms: Children needing Medorrhinum may display impulsivity, difficulty concentrating, and intense emotions. They may also struggle with communication and have issues with hyperactivity or tantrums.
    • Other characteristics: These children may be prone to infections, skin conditions, or allergic reactions and often show a lack of empathy or difficulty forming social connections.
  4. Stramonium

    • Indications: For children who have severe fears, tantrums, and violent behaviors.
    • Symptoms: The child may exhibit extreme fear, aggression, or violent behavior, along with lack of social interaction. They may be extremely sensitive to light, noise, and touch, and react in an exaggerated way to stimuli.
    • Other characteristics: Stramonium is indicated for children with nightmares, fear of the dark, or severe anxiety that leads to aggressive or self-destructive behaviors.
  5. Phosphorus

    • Indications: For children who are sensitive, emotional, and may experience extreme moods.
    • Symptoms: The child may have emotional sensitivity, being easily overwhelmed by their surroundings. They may also show a tendency to mimic or act out and often prefer solitude or fantasy worlds. Phosphorus helps when there are strong emotional reactions, and the child may also experience skin issues like eczema or asthma.
    • Other characteristics: Phosphorus is helpful for children who are afraid of being alone, show sensitivity to light and noise, and have creative or artistic tendencies.
  6. Baryta Carbonica

    • Indications: For children who are developmentally delayed, both mentally and physically, and who are shy or withdrawn.
    • Symptoms: Children may have delayed speech, poor motor skills, and a tendency to be introverted or clingy. They may also have difficulty learning or comprehending social cues and often remain dependent on their caregivers longer than expected.
    • Other characteristics: This remedy is useful when the child is fearful, timid, or has difficulty with socializing or establishing relationships.
  7. Cina

    • Indications: For children who are irritable, fidgety, and experience extreme sensitivity or restlessness.
    • Symptoms: The child may show signs of uncontrollable behavior, aggressive tendencies, and difficulty focusing. They may also be hypersensitive to touch and sound, and react negatively to being touched or held.
    • Other characteristics: Cina is useful for children who are fidgety, moody, and unpredictable in their behavior.
  8. Hyoscyamus

    • Indications: For children with delayed social development, and who exhibit excessive talking, impulsivity, or outbursts.
    • Symptoms: The child may be hyperactive, impulsive, and distractible. They may have difficulty controlling emotions, which can lead to outbursts, tantrums, or exaggerated emotional reactions.
    • Other characteristics: Hyoscyamus is useful for children who have a tendency toward exaggeration or manipulative behaviors.
  9. Thuja Occidentalis

    • Indications: For children with a history of chronic health conditions, including vaccination-related issues or autoimmune disorders.
    • Symptoms: Children may display withdrawal, social anxiety, or difficulty interacting with peers. They may also have skin issues, such as warts, or persistent illnesses that affect their immune system.
    • Other characteristics: Thuja is helpful for children who show signs of social detachment, have difficulty adapting to change, and may obsess over particular ideas or routines.
  10. Kali Phosphoricum

  • Indications: For children who are mentally fatigued, sensitive, and have nervous disorders or sleep disturbances.
  • Symptoms: The child may be easily overwhelmed, anxious, or prone to nervousness. They might experience trouble sleeping, and excessive worry, or have difficulty focusing on tasks.
  • Other characteristics: Kali Phos is helpful for children who have poor concentration, feel mentally drained, and are prone to nervousness or irritability.

General Approach to Homeopathic Treatment of Autism

  1. Holistic and Personalized Care: Treatment should be individualized, with attention to the child’s temperament, emotional needs, developmental stage, and behavioral patterns.
  2. Long-Term Treatment: Homeopathic remedies work by stimulating the body’s natural healing processes, and improvements may be seen gradually over time, often in conjunction with other therapies or interventions.
  3. Symptom-Specific Remedies: Remedies are chosen based on specific symptoms such as hyperactivity, social withdrawal, communication difficulties, emotional issues, or sensory sensitivities.


Homeopathic treatment for autism can be effective in managing symptoms and improving overall emotional and physical health. Remedies such as Calcarea Carbonica, Arsenicum Album, Medorrhinum, and Phosphorus help to address the individual’s developmental stage, emotional state, and behavioral patterns, aiming to support the child in becoming more balanced, socially engaged, and emotionally stable. Homeopathic care should be complementary to other therapeutic interventions, and a professional homeopath can help develop a tailored treatment plan for the individual.